embracing uncertainty meditation 10 MINS

In times of great uncertainty, we forget that change is constant and we begin to grasp, crave and attach to permanence rather than accept the natural flow of life. Can we find a way to embrace, accept and sit with fear, uncertainty and change? Can we use our meditation and mindfulness practice to strengthen our inherent faith in how the journey of our lives will ultimately unfold? Join this meditation to reconnect to presence, and regain your trust in the divine process. Enjoy!


If you feel your pulse rising and anxiety swelling, take 10 minutes aside to hold space for whatever arises and meditate with Dina. We'll use words, body scanning, and breath to help calm the nervous system and give space for the tension, sensations, emotions to be heard, and then let go - allowing the heart to take over the mind and replace fear with love and gratitude.



I invite you to sit in this full 15-minute practice for inner alignment and deeper awareness into the cosmic energy wheels that sit along our spine from the base to the crown of the head through the central energy channel in our body. This guided meditation includes chakra names, colours, emotional properties, and affirmations for healing and balance. Enjoy, and namaste!

shri krishna CHANT

Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare, Hey Nata Narayana Vasudeva


60 Minute Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior Class

The Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior practice is a 60-minute, vigorous class designed for busy people. It integrates music, breath, movement and intention into a well-rounded one-hour session to activate mind, body and spirit. It is a set sequence, so the more you practice it, the more you can feel and track your own progress. Enjoy, and namaste!

Dina Ghandour Chakra Meditation

7-Day Chakra Meditation Series

The Chakras are concentrated energetic areas in the body that correlate to various physical, emotional and spiritual points and issues within us. We have seven chakras, starting from the base of the spine, our root chakra, all the way up to the crown of the head. Meditating on each energetic point can help bring much needed chakra healing as well as help bring balance in our physical, emotional and energetic bodies. Only 5 minutes a day, for 7 days…

Click here to listen!


I find that many women carry fear and anxiety around birth. Hypnobirthing techniques can be so powerful in shifting the mind away from fear, pain and doubt to feelings of confidence, strength and empowerment. Sometimes all it takes is learning and practicing the art of relaxation, and most of all, of surrender. Listening to a hypnobirthing script on a weekly basis during pregnancy can start to plant positive seeds in the mind to support you on the big day. This is my super DIY version, based on an adapted scrip from the website Hypnobirthing by Alice. Enjoy, and exhale…

Dina Ghandour Focus Jivamukti


om. asato mā sad gamaya tamaso mā jyotir gamaya, mṛtyor mā amṛtaṁ gamaya. oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ.

Lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. Om peace peace peace, From Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad

asataḥ — (from) unreality/untruth
mā — me
sat — to reality/being/truth (√as = to be)
gamaya — please make me go/lead me (√gam = to go)
tamasaḥ — from darkness
jyotiḥ — to light
mṛtyoḥ — from death
amṛtam — to immortality/nectar

Jivamukti Dina Focus May

Jivamukti May Focus Chant | interconnectedness

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ bhargo devasyadhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

“Earth Space Heavens. We meditate on the Divine light of the radiant source. May that inspire our hearts and thoughts.” – Gayatri Mantra, Interpretation by Manorama D’Alvia

It’s all yoga yes, but the philosophy behind the method is important in a yogi’s journey of following a teacher or movement practice and that’s why I love jivamukti so much. Jivamukti Yoga comes from the word jivan-mukta ~ liberated soul ~ and is defined by my teachers as a path towards enlightenment through compassion for all beings. Ahimsa or nom harming is the bedrock of this practice, and our effort is often dedicated to the upliftment of others, all beings. Ending unnecessary suffering to other humans, animals and this planet is the sure way to help end our own. Bringing more peace and joy and love to others is a sure way to bring more love our way too. We are all one, and until we realise that and remember that within ourselves, liberation remains out of reach.


Jaya Jagatambe he Maa Durgaa

“Jagat ambe means mother of the world. Jagat is world, ambe is mother. Durga means 'she who takes you across Durgati, the ocean of difficulties, the ocean of trouble. We cry out in wonder when we get a taste of something real.” ~ Krishna Das

FOTM April

Jivamukti Yoga Focus of Month ~ april

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

Radha calls to Krishna, as “the one who has captured my heart, mind, body and soul, my everything, my all!”  Krishna affectionately calls Radha, his beloved, the name Rama, which means “my queen, my delight” – This is a love dialogue between the soul (Radha) and God (Krishna).

Jivamukti Yoga Chant Book Kirtan Chants (14)


JIVAMUKTI YOGA class focus and chant

patraṁ  puṣpaṁ  phalaṁ   toyaṁ  yo  me  bhaktyā  prayacchati tad ahaṁ bhakty-upahṛtam  aśnāmi  prayatātmanaḥ

Whatever is offered to Me with a pure loving heart, no matter if it is as small as a leaf, a flower, a piece of fruit, or sip of water, I will accept it from one who’s mind is restrained.

Text: Bhagavad Gita XI.26

This month we look at intention behind our actions, and how little offerings like feeding the birds, or uplifting our practice can bring freedom and joy to other beings, and ultimately ourselves.

Dina Ghandour Focus Jivamukti

Jivamukti Yoga Focus of Month ~ February

satyam brūyāt priyam brūyāt na brūyāt satyam apriyam priyam anritam na brūyāt esha dharmah sanātanah

This Sanskrit verse is from the Manusmriti 4:138 and summarizes the crux of perennial philosophy or sanātana dharma. It translates as: “Say what is true, say what is sweet, but do not say what is true but not sweet, nor say what is sweet but not true, this is wisdom.” As yogis we know that when we use our speech to speak kind and positive words–we create a kind and positive reality. Violent, unkind and derogatory words are destructive. Words have power. - Sharon Gannon Text: Manusmriti 4:138



A study revealed that over 80% of our daily thoughts are negative in nature. This got me thinking about how much work we have to put in to bring our minds and our thoughts into a better state of balance - to tip the scale to a more positive framework. That's where affirmations come in....

One of the core practices of mindfulness is bringing more awareness and attention to the little tasks we do, like eating or showering. And also, our thinking! We need to fill the mind on a regular basis with thoughts and words that are not only positive, but empowering, fulfilling and soul-giving. We need to fill our cup with more self-love, compassion and kindness so that we are able to extend this outward to others as we move through life.

So here's my little humble DIY offering, may it uplift you in even the smallest way…. let me know what you think!